La Vita Bella
22 February 2009
Crowd Precipitation

I was ever so happy that I was able to spend the weekend with my best friends, taking lots of pictures and rocking out to some amazingly awesome music. Dave Barnes really is a talented musician, so you should go check him out because he is just so fabulous!

Sometimes all you need is a good girls weekend!
18 February 2009

This past weekend I had a photoshoot with my good friend Natalie. She wanted help with her boyfriend's Valentines present, so we took some pictures and then I helped her make a collage for him. So sweet! I hope everyone had a lovely V-Day!
P.S.- If you take a look at the sidebar you'll notice that I've reorganized the labels in my blog. So, I know some people were interested in reading about my trip to Poland this summer, now all you have to do is go to the "Poland" label and it will display all those blog entries. No more searching through a sea of posts!
Labels: Amici, photography
16 February 2009
Matryoshkas and More.
One of my ever so lovely friends was nice enough to make me this GORGEOUS new layout! Isn't it fabulous!!! I think so! Tori (that's her in the photo below) is an amazing graphic designer and has just started her own blog, Typographique Village, so y'all should go check it out. She's still in the process of figuring out the blogosphere, so lovely comments would be much appreciated, I'm sure. And, a little birdy told me that she is also willing to make blogger layouts for anyone who is interested, so, feel free to drop her a line.

(I shall be back tomorrow with a more creative blog entry, some new photos, maybe...)

(I shall be back tomorrow with a more creative blog entry, some new photos, maybe...)
Labels: Amici, Miscellany
11 February 2009
Blustery Day

The wind has been blowing and huffing and puffing. This can only mean one thing: rain.
Wellies tomorrow, YAY!
P.S.- Fletcher doesn't very much like foul weather, tis the only downside...
Labels: Miscellany
Bella Cosetti: Quattro
This might sound more than a little crazy, but I feel like a haircut is a way to reinvent oneself. Now that I've lopped off twelve inches, I feel like I need to change my wardrobe to match-- no more light colors, more blacks and rich bold hues. I've become rather attracted to the whole bohemian "rocker-chic" vibe. But, I dunno. I'm very attached to what I call my "European Vintage" look; maybe I can find some middle ground between the two...
Enough about that. It's been a little too long since I've done a proper Bella Cosetti entry, and I do love a good list, so, here goes:
1)Prints, Prints, Prints, PRINTS! Oh, but I cannot seem to stop obsessing over them. And, none of them fit any particular theme. Maybe I like them so much because I always wished that I was an artist...

this little

darkling woods

dazey chic

crayon monster

2)Speaking of things that I Just Can't Get Enough of...

3) Pretty baking supplies, just in time for V-DAY.

4)These just make me want to label everything in sight!

5) Digital photography is LOVE!


6) I recently re-read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for about the one-hundredth time, such a magical story.

7)Parcel, a super-cool store that sells everything from vintage paper products to engraved necklaces.
8)I'm on the lookout for the perfect carousel necklace, could this be it?

9) I very much would like to have a pet rabbit, but I don't think that's a practical idea; I'm sure Fletcher would agree.

10) This room is just fabulous! I love the bookshelves! Maybe I can do something like this in my room at home...

Enough about that. It's been a little too long since I've done a proper Bella Cosetti entry, and I do love a good list, so, here goes:
1)Prints, Prints, Prints, PRINTS! Oh, but I cannot seem to stop obsessing over them. And, none of them fit any particular theme. Maybe I like them so much because I always wished that I was an artist...

this little

darkling woods

dazey chic

crayon monster

2)Speaking of things that I Just Can't Get Enough of...

3) Pretty baking supplies, just in time for V-DAY.

4)These just make me want to label everything in sight!

5) Digital photography is LOVE!


6) I recently re-read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for about the one-hundredth time, such a magical story.

7)Parcel, a super-cool store that sells everything from vintage paper products to engraved necklaces.
8)I'm on the lookout for the perfect carousel necklace, could this be it?

9) I very much would like to have a pet rabbit, but I don't think that's a practical idea; I'm sure Fletcher would agree.

10) This room is just fabulous! I love the bookshelves! Maybe I can do something like this in my room at home...

Labels: pretty little things
07 February 2009
I am getting ready to go get a shower and blow dry/straighten my long hair for the last time. It's kinda bittersweet, but it shall grow back.
Soon I shall look like this:

Okay, well, not exactly like that; I only wish I were as pretty as Frankie. But, my hair shall look like that.
Pictures when I return.

Soon I shall look like this:

Okay, well, not exactly like that; I only wish I were as pretty as Frankie. But, my hair shall look like that.
Pictures when I return.
Labels: Miscellany
06 February 2009
Cream Colored Ponies and Crisp Apple Streudle

My brown paper package from Yasemin came in the post the other day, and I was so very excited! So many lovely things!!! She had wrapped everything in a beautiful box, and there were twenty objects, each numbered, with a written explanation as to what it was. I do hope her package arrives to Turkey soon!

P.S.- I finally succumbed...

Labels: Amici, brown paper packages
04 February 2009

I have the best friends in the whole wide world.
Just thought I would share.
P.S.- I shall be back tonight with about post about my AMAZING Brown Paper Package!
P.P.S- I would have posted pictures with other people (you know who you are), but sadly we are forced to live too far away....
Labels: Amici, brown paper packages
02 February 2009
It's Been... of those days. The weather was shiteous and I just felt gross.
I've ordered entirely too much stuff online lately, but it's so thrilling to receive pretty packages in the mail! The front office at my apartment complex called me this morning to tell me I had a package to pick up and it was none other than the lovely Kate Spade planner I was lusting after in a previous post. Isn't it fabulous?

Then, a few hours later they called again to tell me I had more packages to come pick up. Well, I was very excited, I mean, they could have been any number of fabulous things. But, no, they were some of the books I had ordered for my U.S. Cold War Foreign Policy and Modern France classes at Uni. Interesting, but not as interesting as, say, Ghosthunting with McFly.
I had given up hope when they called yet again, and when I went to the office, I was pleased to find that my Hunter Wellies had finally arrived. Oh goodness, this day was certainly looking up.

I even checked my mailbox to find that the post office had received my package from Yasemin, my Brown Paper Packages friend! (Which I will go pick up tomorrow morning.) So, the day is ending in an infinitely better way than it began.
P.S.- Don't you just adore the Union Jack? I do!

I've ordered entirely too much stuff online lately, but it's so thrilling to receive pretty packages in the mail! The front office at my apartment complex called me this morning to tell me I had a package to pick up and it was none other than the lovely Kate Spade planner I was lusting after in a previous post. Isn't it fabulous?

Then, a few hours later they called again to tell me I had more packages to come pick up. Well, I was very excited, I mean, they could have been any number of fabulous things. But, no, they were some of the books I had ordered for my U.S. Cold War Foreign Policy and Modern France classes at Uni. Interesting, but not as interesting as, say, Ghosthunting with McFly.
I had given up hope when they called yet again, and when I went to the office, I was pleased to find that my Hunter Wellies had finally arrived. Oh goodness, this day was certainly looking up.

I even checked my mailbox to find that the post office had received my package from Yasemin, my Brown Paper Packages friend! (Which I will go pick up tomorrow morning.) So, the day is ending in an infinitely better way than it began.
P.S.- Don't you just adore the Union Jack? I do!

Labels: brown paper packages, Miscellany