
So, mother, I'm sorry that it's only 6:15 in the pm y'alls time and I have not yet e-mailed. What a horrible person I am.... haha I've been up late playing cards; the weather has been kind of gross here, so we've had to be creative and come up with things to keep us entertained.
I feel like a loser for emailing and not having any cool stories or even new pictures to share. I know we're all glad for the rain because it means our classrooms and dorm rooms stay cooler, and that is a major plus when you're in a country that doesn't do air conditioning. So I guess I'll be thankful for small blessings, but I do hope the weather clears up for tomorrow. Our teacher, Dr. Galas, is taking the class back to Kazimierz, but we'll actually get to see the Jewish cemetery and synagogue. I believe he's taking us to a few other museums as well-- oh how I love non-traditional classes!
Since we have been staying in the past few days I have taken it as an opportunity to read and listen to some music. I wish I had brought more books; I brought two and I've read both of them already. *sigh* But, at least I have my iPod so I can listen to some good tuneage when I get a chance. It's funny the things you miss... Speaking of, here's a list of things that I miss:
1. Actually seeing my family and grandma and having face-to-face conversations
2. My BFF's To Def (you know who you are...)
3. Fletcher, Tobie, and Jack
4. Driving
5. Rocking out to my iPod while driving
6. Being able to turn up my music in my room and jam
7. Near-death experiences (for you Tori and Desh)
8. 813
9. Coffee
10. Mint Mojito Flavored Orbit
11. easy access to books
12. HGTV
13. cooking
14. my red tweezers which I seem to have lost
15. the beach
16. Pablos
17. free water at restaurants
18. summer movies in English
19. baths
20. did I mention air conditioning?????
I think that about sums it up. I'm not complaining; I really do LOVE it here, but it's funny what kinds of crazy things you can miss after being away from home. And the air conditioning thing isn't that bad; there have only been two days in which the temperature rose above 90 degrees. I can deal. So, until tomorrow. Much love.
Labels: adventures, poland
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